International Student Trips Powered By Discovery Education
China Adventure

Rock, Scissors, Paper

Saturday, August 8, 2009

After hiking on the mini Great Wall today at the Emeror's Summer Palace and seeing panoramic views of the town of Chengde, there was still more to come. Can you believe a city of 200,000 people is still considered a town? We had the unique opportunity of visiting and learning from a master paper-cutter. This form of art has a long history in China and it is one of the most interesting and beautiful talents I have ever seen. The intricate detail is amazing, and some of these spectacular creations can take weeks to cut out!After our demonstration of this craft, we were able to participate and do our own scissor cuttings. Most of us made small animals like butterflies or turtles.



RJ Stangherlin said...


How quaint of China to call 200,000 people a town. Gives you a sense of perspective on population.

I have seen this craft before, but certainly not China. You make me want to visit, but I suspect you have ruined me for any other tour companies. Discovery is THE BEST! Please do tell the students how much we enjoy their posts.

RJ Stangherlin
PA DEN LC Blog Coordinator

Essential Programs Details

Duration 15 days
When August 1st - 14th, 2009
Focus History/Culture
Martial Arts
Modern/Ancient Architecture